Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Club Tonight!

Hey supporters!

Tonight we have club at Ashton Emily's house and I will be giving the talk about Jesus going to the cross. Last week I talked about Sin and this week I will tell them more about the greatest gift ever given.

Please pray for tonight. Some guys won't be able to be there that have been bringing a good amount of folks to club, so please pray that kids would still make it out. We struggled with technical stuff in club last week that provided some pretty akward moments so please pray that no matter how big or small club is that we wouldn't even notice cause the aroma of Christ and joy of Him would be so overwhelming. Please pray for kids to belly laugh, but during the talk we would be able to hear a pin drop. Please pray that the Lord would prepare kids hearts to hear this story the gospel, which literally means, "Good News."

Our team knows we can do nothing apart from Christ, John 15:5. Nothing. Please pray we would be reminded of that, our stress relieved and that everyone there would be reminded of this incredible, reckless love the Father has for us. Also, please pray for conversations after club.

For my talk I ask that you would pray that it would be concise, clear and covered with my own gratefulness of what he's done for me.

We will be singing How Deep the Father's Love For Us tonight before the talk and after the talk. As that song goes, "Why should I gain from his reward? I cannot give an answer, but this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom." Please pray this would would strike kids in the depth of their hurting and aching hearts. And please be reminded yourself of this incredible forgiveness and love poured out for you.

Thank you for your loving and adoring prayers for my little mission field I've been called to. Real quick, I walked through the empty hallways of Westminster High School today and I know this...your prayers echo through those places where kids are and will impact lives forever.

Thank you.

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