Thursday, October 1, 2009

Carroll County is about to blow!

Hey partners, teammates, supporters and friends!

Sorry it's been a little while. As the title of this blog suggests, I have quickly learned that Carroll County Young Life has potential to soon erupt to the degree of nuclear proportions.

The other night we had Campaigners and as I have been getting to know the kids I am quickly learning that these kids have such an incredible heart for the Lord! One of them Billy Brown(to the right) has one of the biggest hearts for the Lord I have ever witnessed. While we were talking about some of his friends he has been inviting he said the following. "I invite the guys every week, but they always have an excuse or they will say, 'yea I will come next week,' but they never do." Then Billy said the following and the look on his face was pure compassion and love for his friends, "I just tell them like...please come....please. Just for me come once!" I immediately wondered if I have ever had a passion this great for anyone to come to hear about Christ. By the way Billy is a sophomore at Westminster.

Billy isn't alone either, Aaron Carback has introduced me to the entire Cross County team and is so full of life it's hard to imagine why everyone doesn't just follow him everywhere he goes. Taylor Robinette goes to McDonogh high school and is so sold out for his friends to meet Christ it's ridiculous. Craig Bowen is on the basketball team at Winters Mill and knows everyone in the school, literally. Miles, Nate and Travis are all getting to know some of the kids in Campaigners and are going to be used by Christ in a HUGE way! And these are just some of the guys that show up to Campaigners every week.

Thank you for you prayers! Please pray that our team (to the left) is brought to a deeper place in Christ and that we would be able to love kids limitlessly without fear and unashamed. Please pray that we would know when to start club. We have been getting up to the school and games a lot and we have met so many kids it's awesome! Please pray that we would be able to take 60 kids to North Bay on November 6th-8th (this is out goal and prayer).

Thank you so much supporters! I could not do this without you. Your prayers and support are making this happen! You truly are teammates with me.

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